Section 8 - Editing Item Types

Your default scenario comes with 383 premade item types, number 0 to 382, and you can add as many new types as you wish. Like terrain types, you can customize the item types to suit your scenario. Click on Edit Item Types to bring up a list of items, and click on an item type to bring up the item editing window. This window has these options:

An item can also have special abilities, like providing resistance to fire, or being a demon slaying weapon. To set an item's special ability, press the Abilities button.

Item Types

Though the item types are mostly self-explanatory, a few of them are less obvious. Thus, a detailed look at them is reasonable.

No Item
This is intended for items that have been deleted - since items are referenced by their index in a list, anything that changes the index of an item is something to avoid, so when an item (other than the last in the list) is deleted, the editor just sets its type to No Item.
1-Hand weapon
2-Hand weapon
Weapons are wielded in the hand. The item level indicates the amount of damage the weapon does (specifically, the size of the die). They cannot have reagent abilities.
Gold is a type of item that only appears on the ground. When you pick it up, it is transformed into currency rather than appearing in your inventory. It cannot have special abilities.
Food is a type of item that only appears on the ground. When you pick it up, it is transformed into rations rather than appearing in your inventory. It cannot have special abilities.
Bows are wielded in one hand. They cannot have reagent abilities.
Arrows are wielded in your ammo slot. They can only have weapon abilities. Their weight is multiplied by their charges.
Thrown missile
Thrown missiles are wielded in one hand. They can only have weapon abilities. Their weight is multiplied by their charges.
Potion/Magic Item
Scroll/Magic Item
Potions, scrolls, and wands cannot be equipped. They can only have usable abilities. When a potion is used, a drinking sound is played; also, a potion's weight is multiplied by its charges. Other than this, the only difference between potions, scrolls, and wands is how they're chosen for random treasure generation.
Tools are equipped in a unique tool slot. They can have general or usable abilities.
Shield 2
Shields are equipped in one hand. The item level determines the maximum amount of damage it can block. There is no difference between the two shield types, except that you can only have two shields equipped if they are of different types. Shields can only have general or usable abilities.
Armor is worn on your torso. The item level determines the maximum amount of damage it can block. You cannot put it on in combat, though you can take it off. Armor can only have general or usable abilities.
Helms are worn on your head. The item level determines the maximum amount of damage it can block. Helms can only have general or usable abilities.
Gloves are worn on your hands. The item level determines the maximum amount of damage it can block. Gloves can only have general or usable abilities.
Boots are worn on your feet. The item level determines the maximum amount of damage it can block. Boots can only have general or usable abilities.
Rings are worn on a finger. You can wear up to two rings. Rings can only have general or usable abilities.
Rings are worn on the neck. Necklaces can only have general or usable abilities.
Weapon Poison
Poison cannot be equipped. It can only have usable abilities.
Non-Use Object
Non-use objects cannot be equipped. They can only have usable or reagent abilities.
Pants are worn on the legs. They are not counted as armour - their item level has no effect on damage. (The protection field does, of course.) Pants can only have general or usable abilities.
Crossbows are wielded in one hand. They cannot have reagent abilities.
Bolts are wielded in your ammo slot. They can only have weapon abilities. Their weight is multiplied by their charges.
Missile (no ammo)
Missiles are wielded in one hand. They cannot have reagent abilities.
Special Item
This type of item only appears on the ground. When you pick it up, you instead gain the special item specified as the item level.
This type of item only appears on the ground. When you pick it up, you instead gain the quest specified as the item level.

Setting Item Abilities (Advanced)

When you press the Abilities button, you will see the item ability dialog. Each item type can have a special ability. The types of abilities available range from shooting fireballs to weapons doing special damage to dragons to items being ingredients for alchemical recipes.

There are two types of item abilities: usable and inherent.

There are a wide variety of special abilities. The abilities (and the meaning of the extra fields) are listed in the Appendix.

To select an ability, press one of the four buttons to the upper right. Each button brings up a menu with one of the four classes of special item. The item's ability strength can be entered in the text area just below. The other buttons set other item properties: