Section 7 - Editing Monster Types

Your default scenario comes with 187 premade monster types, number 1 to 187, and you can add as many more as you want. Like terrain types, you can customize the monster types to suit your scenario. Click on Edit Monster Types to bring up a list of creatures, and click on a monster type to bring up the monster editing window. This window has these options:

The monster type can also have a wide variety of special abilities. To edit them, press the Abilities button.

Editing Monster Abilities

The monster abilities screen has a wide variety of options.

Monster Abilities:

When adding a new ability, you will be given a list of abilities to choose from. Some abilities will bring up an additional dialog for more information after you've chosen them.

Some Monsters Should be Left Alone

Certain monster types are summoned by mage spells, and should be left alone. These monster types are Guardian, Demon, Snake, Asp, Mung Rat, Shade, and Deva. You can easily tell that you're editing one of these monsters by looking at the non-editable "Summoned By" field at the bottom of the Edit Monster Type dialog.