Appendix C - Monster Ability Types
When adding a new monster ability, you may have noticed that there are fourteen custom options to choose from at the end of the list. These options don't fill in the ability parameters with a template; they just present you immediately with the full ability dialog. You can also get there by editing an existing ability.
This appendix covers all the options you can get in the ability editing dialog.
Note: If you add a custom ability and want to cancel it, you have to click Delete, rather than Cancel. Clicking Cancel will cause the ability to be added with default values (generally all zeroes).
The Basics
When editing any monster ability, you'll see four informational fields.
- Monster - This is here to remind you what the monster is you're editing an ability for.
- Display name - Shows the ability's name as it will be shown in-game, for example when casting Scry Monster.
- Ability Type - The type of ability. This was set when you added the ability and cannot be changed. (If you want to change it, you'll have to add a new ability and delete the old one.)
- Action Points - Shows the number of action points the ability consumes when the monster activates it. This is usually based on the type and subtype, but sometimes you can set it directly.
- Subtype - Most abilities allow you to choose a subtype. Click Choose to select from a list. The options depend on the ability type.
- Delete - You can delete the ability by clicking this button.
Missile Abilities
Monsters will not use most missile abilities when adjacent to their target. Missile abilities offer the following "subtypes":
- Darts
- Bow and Arrows
- Spears
- Rocks or Stones
- Razordisks
- Spines - can be used while adjacent
- Knives
- Crossbow and Bolts
- Rocks or Boulders - uses an extra action point compared to stones
- Rapid Bow and Arrows - uses one less action point than regular bow
In addition, you can set the following properties:
- Missile Graphic - Click Choose to select your missile graphic from the list.
- Dice, Sides - This works the same as the monster's regular attacks.
- Range - The maximum range at which the ability can function, in tiles.
- Chance - The per mille chance (ie, out of 1000) that the monster chooses to use this ability.
- Skill - This is similar to the monster's skill level, affecting their chance of hitting.
General Abilities
General abilities cover several categories with a variety of effects. Some of these are obvious, others less so. Even when ranged, monsters will also use most of these abilities while adjacent to their target. The following is a list of all ability types classified as general, using the terminology from the Add Ability page:
- Damage - Deals direct damage. Ability strength indicates the number of dice; the number of sides is determined by the subtype (ray/gaze - d6, breath - d8, touch/spit - d10).
- Damage (full attack) - Like damage, but takes 4 action points when used as a breath weapon ability. If used as a touch attack, it's identical to damage. You get this type by selecting a simple breath weapon (fire, ice, electricity, or darkness).
- Status Effect - Afflicts the target with some status effect. Ability strength is the amount inflicted.
- Field - Places fields around the target. Ability strength indicates the size of the affected area; press Choose to select one. Note that the open square will not damage the target itself.
- Petrification - Turns target to stone. Ability strength affects the chance of resisting.
- SP drain - Drains spell points. Ability strength is the percentage of spell points drained.
- XP drain - Drains experience. Draining experience does not affect your level, but you'll need to regain the experience before you can gain a level. Ability strength is the amount drained.
- Death - Kills the target by dealing a very large amount of damage. Ability strength indicates the number of d10's to roll (it's multiplied by 10, so a strength of 1 means 10d10).
- Steal food/gold - Drains your food or gold. Ability strength is the maximum amount to drain (a random number less than or equal is taken).
- Undead stat - This is similar to status effect, but is also negated by the life-saving item ability.
- Weapon stat - This is the same as status effect, except when used as a touch attack. In that case, it can only occur on attack 1, never on attacks 2 or 3. You could use this for a beast with a disease-ridden bite or an assassin with a poisoned blade.
They offer the following "subtypes":
- Ray
- Touch - no range, occurs as part of normal melee attack
- Gaze
- Breath
- Spit - can't be used while adjacent
Note that a non-ranged attack could be made using Ray, Gaze, or Breath simply by limiting the range to 1, but this still differs from a Touch attack because the latter accompanies the plain damage of the monster's regular attack.
In addition, you can set the following properties:
- Missile Graphic - Click Choose to select your missile graphic from the list.
- Range - The maximum range at which the ability can function, in tiles.
- Chance - The per mille chance (ie, out of 1000) that the monster chooses to use this ability.
- Strength - This determines how powerful the ability is. Its exact effect depends on the ability type.
- Damage, Status, or Field Type - Additional information for some ability types; the meaning is obvious. Click Choose to select one from a list.
Radiate Field Abilities
Monsters that radiate fields are automatically immune to their own fields. Since radiate abilities are passive, they take no action points. A radiate ability provides no subtypes; the only editable parameters are as follows:
- Field Type - The type of field to radiate. You can pick anything, but keep in mind that when the radiation is activated, an area centred on the creature is filled with fields, so generally something like barriers or forcecages is a poor choice.
- Radiate Chance - The percent chance each turn of the ability activating.
- Affected Area - The area to effect. Click Choose to select one.
Summoning Abilities
Since summon abilities are passive, they take no action points to activate. They do have the following subtypes:
- Specific - Always summons a specific type of creature that you choose.
- Strength - Summons a creature based on its summon strength, just like the general summoning spells.
- Race - Summons a creature based on its race. This form can potentially result in wildly different levels, so use it with caution.
You can specify the following parameters for a summoning ability:
- Monster, race, etc - Specify what sort of creature to summon by clicking the Choose button.
- Max, min - The number of monsters summoned will be a random number in this range.
- Duration - You can specify how long the summoned monsters will remain.
- Chance - The percent chance each turn of summoning.
Other Abilities
There are several other abilities that can be added to monsters. They don't have a dedicated "Custom Ability" option, but you can edit them after adding for some increased customization. (The special node abilities assume you'll want to do this and automatically open the edit window once you've saved the node.)
- Splits when hit - You can specify the per mille chance of the monster splitting each time it is hit.
- Permanent martyr's shield - You can specify the per mille chance of the martyr's shield activating each time the monster is hit.
- Absorb spells - You can specify the per mille chance of spells being absorbed each time the monster is subject to them. Normally, the monster gains health proportional to the damage that would have been dealt; however, some non-damaging effects can also be absorbed, and in that case the monster gains a fixed amount of health that you specify here.
- Shoots webs - This is a legacy support type, but you can nevertheless specify the range of the ability and the per mille chance of the monster deciding to use it. It differs from a general field ability in that the monster will use it even if adjacent to the target.
- Heat ray - This is a legacy support type, but you can nevertheless specify the range, strength (in number of d6's), and per mille chance of the monster deciding to use it. It differs from a standard damage ray in that it costs only one action point. It does not allow you to customize the damage type; it always deals fire damage.
- Special action - This calls a special node as part of the monster's action. You can specify how many action points it costs as well as the per mille chance of the monster deciding to use it. Of course, from here you can also edit the special node that is called.
- Death/hit special - This calls a special node when the monster dies or when it is hit. It does not have any options (other than specifying which node to call). Of course, from here you can edit the special node that is called.