Appendix A - Special Encounter Node Types
These are the many types of special encounter nodes. They are divided into seven different categories, and given with examples and descriptions of what the various editing fields do.
- General Use Specials
- One-Shot Specials
- Affect PC/Party/Monster Specials
- If-Then Specials
- Town Mode Specials
- Rectangle Specials
- Outdoor Mode Specials
General Use Specials
This is the class of special encounters which can be called at practically any time. Most of them can always be called. A few can't be called in certain circumstances - these are noted in the encounter description.
General notes
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- Some of these nodes change a Stuff Done flag. A Stuff Done flag is described by two values: Stuff done 1 and Stuff done 2. The legal range of the first flag is from 0 to 349, and the range for the second flag is 0 to 49. If a value is given outside the legal range, the special node does nothing and the Jump To node is called next (though usually the editor will give you an error when you try to do this).
- Jump To:
- After a special node is called and has its effect, this field specifies the next node to be called. If this value is negative, the special encounter ends. There are a few exceptions to this, which are noted in the encounter description.
- Type 0: No special
- This is the default setting for all special nodes. It does
nothing. If the Jump To field contains a non-negative number, the encounter jumps to that
- Uses:
- If you have a chain of special nodes and want to remove one of the nodes in the middle, set its type to Null Special, and leave the Jump To value unchanged. When the party reaches that special, and that node is reached, it just passes through to the Jump To node.
- Type 1: Set Flag
- This node sets a Stuff Done flag to the desired value.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to change.
- Extra 1a:
- This is the value to change it to.
- Example:
- If Stuff done 1 is set to 90, Stuff done 2 is set to 4, and Extra 1a is set to 8, when this node is called Stuff Done (90,4) becomes 8. If, instead, Stuff done 2 is set to 60, this value is out of range (0 ... 49) and you will get an error.
- Type 2: Increment Flag
- This node increases (or decreases) a Stuff Done flag by
a specified amount.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to change.
- Extra 1a:
- This is the amount to increase/decrease the flag by.
- Extra 1b:
- If this is 0, the flag is increased by Extra 1a. If its non-zero, the flag is decreased by that amount.
- Type 3: Display Message
- This vitally important special displays a dialog
window containing one (or two) text messages.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Type 4: Start Shopping
- You can places stores outside using this special node
type. When called, the special encounter ends immediately (the Jumpto field is ignored),
and the party is not allowed to enter the space they were moving into. The game immediately
goes into shopping mode. Although normally used outdoors, this special node also works in
- Mess1:
- This message is the name of the store the party has found.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the shop.
- Extra 1b:
- The item cost adjuster, a number from 0 (very cheap) to 6 (very expensive). See chapter 11 (Dialogue) for the complete list of cost adjustments.
- Type 5: Display Small Message
- A text message is displayed on one (or two)
line(s) of the text area (in the lower right hand corner). Don't make the displayed
messages too long.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage - these are the numbers of the messages to put in one or two lines of the text area.
- Type 6: Flip Flag
- This node changes a Stuff Done flag from 0 to 1 (or back).
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to change. If the flag is 0, it's changed to 1. Otherwise, it's changed to 0.
- Type 7: Set SDF to Random
- Generates a random value and stores it in a Stuff Done Flag.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to store the result in.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The minimum and maximum allowed values, respectively.
- Type 8: Addition
- Adds values and stores the result in a Stuff Done Flag.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to store the result in.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- If Extra 1b is -1, then Extra 1a is the first value to add. Otherwise, the first value to add is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- If Extra 2b is -1, then Extra 2a is the second value to add. Otherwise, the second value to add is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Type 9: Subtraction
- Subtracts values and stores the result in a Stuff Done Flag.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to store the result in.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- If Extra 1b is -1, then Extra 1a is the value to subtract from. Otherwise, the value to subtract from is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- If Extra 2b is -1, then Extra 2a is the value to subtract. Otherwise, the value to subtract is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Type 10: Story Dialog
- Shows a small dialog that displays a series of messages,
one at a time.
- Mess1:
- The number of a message to be displayed as a title in the dialog.
- Mess2, Mess3:
- The number of the first and last string to show in the dialog.
- Pict, Pictype:
- Specifies the icon to show in the dialog.
- Type 11: Prevent Action
- If the party is walking, they are not allowed to enter
the space. This can be accompanied by one or two messages, if you wish. If called in other
circumstances, this node prevents the action that called the node. The following actions
are preventable in this manner:
- Movement
- Using an item - if it's a normal (not special) item, no charge will be deducted
- Monster special actions - no AP will be deducted
- Looking - you will not be allowed to search, but you can't prevent the party from seeing what the space is
- Talking - if called while trying to start a conversation, talk mode will not start even if the creature has a personality; if called during talk mode, it forces the conversation to end
- Attacking - the attack will occur normally, but no AP will be deducted from the attacker
- Shop Items - gold will not be deducted
- Targeting - if a spell is being targeted, the spell effect will be cancelled. However, they will still lose their spell points. If the targeting was initiated by a special node, that node's failure option will trigger, potentially calling another special node.
- Encountering wandering monsters - the encounter will be prevented altogether, similar to if the monsters had fled.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage. If the party is not moving, no messages are displayed.
- Extra 1a:
- If this is set to 1, the action is prevented. If not 1, the action is allowed (this undoes any Prevent Action nodes already called).
- Extra 2a:
- Sometimes, this can be set to 1 to allow the party to enter even an
impassable space. This works under any of the following conditions:
- The special is called outdoors.
- The terrain has either the Call Special When Walk ability or the Change When Walk ability.
- The terrain can be boated over.
- A special of this type is the first node in the chain.
In order to ensure success, it's recommended to put this special as the first node in the chain if you want to allow passage through a normally impassable terrain.
- Uses:
- If you don't want a party to be able to walk down a passage (for example, a guard won't let them), use this node.
- Uses:
- Suppose you want a pillar the party can walk through. Place a special encounter on the pillar, and have a node of this type be the first special node called. Set Extra 1a to 0 and Extra 2a to 1.
- Uses:
- Suppose a group of soldiers outdoors will only attack the party if they have the stolen Wand of Balloo. If they don't have it, use this node with Extra 1a set to 0. If you don't call a special node of this type, the soldiers will attack.
- Note:
- This doesn't have to be the last node in a chain. If this is the first special node called, the party is still kept from entering the space... unless another node of the same type undoes it. The only exception to this is forced passage, as the node usually won't even be called if the space is impassable.
- Type 12: Change Time
- This special node sets the adventure time forward.
- Extra 1a:
- This is the number of ticks to set the timer forward. A day is 3000 ticks. The maximum this can be set to is 30000.
- Type 13: Start Global Timer
- One of the party's special encounter timers is
activated. Each move taken, the timer goes down by 1. When it runs out, a scenario special
node is called (even if the party enters or leaves town). Also see Start Town Timer, under
Town Special Nodes.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of moves before the timer runs out. (Range 0 ... 30000)
- Extra 1b:
- The scenario special node to call when the timer runs out. If left at No Special, nothing happens.
- Type 14: Play a sound
- Plays one of the game's sounds.
- Extra 1a:
- Which sound to play. For a list of sounds, read Appendix A. You can also click Choose to select the sound from a list, which allows you to hear the sounds while you choose.
- Extra 1b:
- Whether to wait while the sound plays. If 0, the game will pause until the sound has finished playing. If 1, the game will not wait.
- Type 15: Change Horse Possession
- Makes a horse the party's property (or not).
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra1a:
- The horse to change ownership of. (Range 0 ... 29)
- Extra 2a:
- If 0, the horse becomes the party's property. Otherwise, it is no longer the party's property.
- Type 16: Change Boat Possession
- Like Change Horse Possession, except for
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra1a:
- The boat to change ownership of. (Range 0 ... 29)
- Extra 2a:
- If 0, the boat becomes the party's property. Otherwise, it is no longer the party's property.
- Type 17: Show/Hide Town
- This either makes a party know a town is there, or
hide it so they can't enter it anymore. This can be accompanied by one or two messages, if
you wish.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- This is the town to show/hide.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, the town becomes hidden. If not 0, the town becomes visible.
- Uses:
- Suppose dungeon 14 contains a big treasure, revealed by reading a treasure map. When the map is read, call this special. Set Extra 1a to 14 and Extra 2b to 1.
- Type 18: Major Event Has Occurred
- A major event is recorded as having
occurred. See Passage of Time in the chapter on Special Encounters for a more detailed
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the special event. (Range 1 ... 20)
- Example:
- If the slaying of the goblin king is event 4, when it is killed, call this special node with Extra 1a set to 4.
- Type 19: Forced Give
- This places an item in the party's inventory, whether or
not it's too heavy for them to carry. It only fails to give the item if there is absolutely
no room in their inventory.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the item to give. Press the Choose button to pick an item.
- Extra 1b:
- The special to jump to if the item is not successfully given (if all the party's item slots are full). If No Special is given, the Jump To special is used as usual.
- Uses:
- If you want the party to get an item after winning a combat outdoors, use a Forced Give. This makes sure that if it is at all possible, they get it.
- Uses 2:
- Use this if the party is given an item during a talking special encounter. If the party inventory is full, jump to a special telling them that they can't carry the item and to come back later, and then end the special. This enables you to keep from setting a Stuff Done flag saying they got the item, when, in fact, they didn't.
- Type 20: Buy Items of Type
- All items that belong to the given special class
(described in the chapter on items) are taken from the party. For each item taken, the
party gets some gold. This can be accompanied by one or two messages, if you wish.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage. Note that the messages are only displayed if some items are actually taken away.
- Extra 1a:
- The item class to take away. (Range 1 ... 100)
- Extra 1b:
- The special to jump to if no items are taken. If No Special is specified, the Jump To special is used as usual.
- Extra 2a:
- The amount of gold to pay for each item (Range 0 ... 250)
- Uses:
- This is how you give a bounty for items. If you want someone to give the party 10 gold for each unicorn horn, give unicorn horns a special class of, say, 30, and call this special node with Extra 1a set to 30 and Extra 2a set to 10.
- Type 21: Call Global Special
- This node does nothing itself. However, its Jump
To node specifies a scenario special node, not a town or outdoors special node. This is
how you call a scenario special node when in town or outdoors.
- Note:
- Use when in town or outdoors. This can be used if you have one special thing which you want in many towns or outdoors sections. You can place the encounter in scenario specials once, and then just call it from the many places it's used.
- Type 22: Set Many Flags
- This node sets 50 Stuff Done flags to a desired
- Stuff Done 1:
- A number from 0 to 349. When this node is called, (Stuff Done 1, 0), (Stuff Done 1, 1), ... (Stuff Done 1, 49) are all set to Extra 1a.
- Extra 1a:
- This is the value to change it to.
- Example:
- Suppose Stuff Done flag (200,4) is 35. This node is called with Stuff Done 1 equal to 200, and Extra 1a set to 5. Then Stuff Done flag (200,4) will be 5 (as will flags (200,0), (200,1), etc.).
- Type 23: Copy Flag
- This sets one Stuff Done flag equal to another.
- Stuff Done 1, Stuff Done 2:
- The flag to change.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The flag to change it to.
- Example:
- If Stuff Done 1 is 12, Stuff Done 2 is 5, Extra 1a is 8, and Extra 1b is 8, then the value of Stuff Done flag (12,5) becomes the same as Stuff Done flag (8,8).
- Type 24: Display Picture
- Shows a dialog with a large picture and a title.
- Mess1:
- The number of a message containing a title string to show in the dialog.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the graphics sheet to show. See the chapter on custom graphics for details on what a graphics sheet is and how to get the game to see it. This special node displays the entire sheet in a dialog, so the sheet can be whatever size you want.
- Type 25: Have a rest
- If the party is in combat or if the party is in town and
there was just combat going on, nothing happens. Otherwise, the party gets rested. Some
time passes, and their health and spell points are restored.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of ticks that pass (a day is 3000 ticks)
- Extra 1b:
- The amount of health and spell points to restore.
- Type 26: Display Message with Title
- This is similar to a Display Message node,
but lets you specify a title string and choose an icon.
- Mess 3:
- The number of the string to use as a title. Click Create/Edit to edit it. Note that the space allotted for the title is just one line, so keep it short.
- Pic, Pictype
- Specify the picture you want to show with the message.
- Type 27: End Scenario
- Every scenario should call a node of this type at least
once. When called, the scenario immediately ends, and the player will be returned to the
starting screen, with the option of saving the game.
- Note:
- Without a node of this sort, the player's only option for leaving the scenario is to use the character editor. Please make sure a node of this sort can always be reached.
- Type 28: Set Pointer
- This sets a pointer to point to a Stuff Done Flag.
- Stuff Done 1, Stuff Done 2:
- The flag to point to.
- Extra 1a:
- Which pointer to set. There are 100 pointers you can change, and they range from 100 to 199. To use the pointer in another node, put the negative of this number in the field.
- Type 29: Set/Retrieve Campaign Flag
- This allows you to set or retrieve
information that persists between scenarios. Campaign flags are a lot like stuff done
flags, except that each scenario only gets 25x25 flags. (If you need more, you can pretend
to be multiple scenarios.)
- Stuff Done 1, Stuff Done 2:
- The flag to store or change.
- Mess1:
- If set to a positive number, this is the number of a string used to look up the campaign flag. If left at -1, the name of your scenario is used.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b
- The campaign flag to fetch or change. Each of these must be in the range 0..24.
- Extra 2a:
- Set this to 0 to set the Campaign Flag equal to the value of the Stuff Done Flag. Set it to 1 to instead set the Stuff Done flag equal to the value of the Campaign Flag.
- Uses:
- If your scenario is part of a series of scenarios forming a campaign, this allows you to share state between the scenarios.
- Type 30 - Debug Print Numbers
- This is a utility node for debugging your
scenario. If debug mode is not enabled, it does nothing. If debug mode is enabled, it
prints out three numbers to the text area, much like Display Small Message.
- Stuff Done 1, Stuff Done 2
- If Pict is 0, this is the flag to print. The three numbers printed will be Part A, Part B, and the value of the flag.
- Pict:
- If set to 0, print a Stuff Done Flag. If set to 1, print any three values you want. If set to 2, print a monster's health and magic points.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b, Extra 1c:
- If Pict is 1, these are the three values printed. Typically you'll want to use pointers here to reference some Stuff Done Flags. If Pict is 2, then Extra 1a is the number of the monster to check and Extra 1b and Extra 1c are ignored. The number to put here is the number shown as the "Creature number" in the Edit Townperson dialog. The three numbers printed are the creature number, its current hit points, and its current magic points.
- Type 31: Multiplication
- Multiplies values and stores the result in a Stuff
Done Flag.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to store the result in.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- If Extra 1b is -1, then Extra 1a is the first value to multiply. Otherwise, the first value to add is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- If Extra 2b is -1, then Extra 2a is the second value to multiply. Otherwise, the second value to add is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Type 32: Division
- Divides values and stores the results in Stuff Done Flags.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to store the result in.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- If Extra 1b is -1, then Extra 1a is the value to divide from. Otherwise, the value to divide from is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- If Extra 2b is -1, then Extra 2a is the value to divide by. Otherwise, the value to divide by is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Extra 1c, Extra 2c
- This is the Stuff Done Flag to store the remainder of the division in. You can leave these at -1 if you don't care about the remainder. Similarly, you can leave Stuff Done 1 and 2 at -1 if you only care about the remainder.
- Type 33: Exponentiation
- Raises a number to a power and stores the result in a
Stuff Done Flag. Note that the maximum value that can be stored in a Stuff Done Flag is
255, and this special node has no way to get around that.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- This is the Stuff Done flag to store the result in.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- If Extra 1b is -1, then Extra 1a is the value to raise to a power. Otherwise, the value to raise to a power is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- If Extra 2b is -1, then Extra 2a is the power to raise to. Otherwise, the power to raise to is the value of the Stuff Done Flag specified by these two fields.
- Type 34: Change Terrain
- Changes a space to a given terrain type.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the desired space.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of the terrain type to change it to. Press the Choose button to select a terrain type.
- Type 35: Swap Terrain
- Changes a space from a given terrain type to another,
or back.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the desired space.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of a terrain type. If the given space is of this type, change it to the type in Extra 2b.
- Extra 2b:
- The number of a terrain type. If the given space is of this type, change it to the type in Extra 2a.
- Type 36: Transform Terrain
- If the terrain in a given space has a terrain type
given in the Transform To What field, it is changed to that terrain type.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to transform.
- Type 37: Clear String Buffer
- Clears the string buffer. It's best to always do this before you use the buffer. The buffer is never automatically cleared, but it is not saved, so if the user reloads from a saved game, anything that was in the buffer may be lost.
- Type 38: Append String to Buffer
- Appends a literal string to the string buffer.
- Pict:
- If set to 1, a space will be inserted between the current contents of the buffer and the new contents. This is necessary because trailing and leading spaces are stripped from strings.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the string to append.
- Type 39: Append Number to Buffer
- Appends a literal number to the string buffer.
- Pict:
- If set to 1, a space will be inserted between the current contents of the buffer and the new contents. This is necessary because trailing and leading spaces are stripped from strings.
- Extra 1a:
- The number to append. You might want to reference a pointer here.
- Type 40: Append Monster/PC Name to Buffer
- Appends the name of a monster or PC
to the string buffer.
- Pict:
- If set to 1, a space will be inserted between the current contents of the buffer and the new contents. This is necessary because trailing and leading spaces are stripped from strings.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the monster type whose name you want to append. If left at 0, the game will instead use the currently selected target from the Select Target node, which can be either a monster or a PC.
- Type 41: Append Item Name to Buffer
- Appends the name of an item type to the
string buffer.
- Pict:
- If set to 1, a space will be inserted between the current contents of the buffer and the new contents. This is necessary because trailing and leading spaces are stripped from strings.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the item type whose name you want to append.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, append the unidentified name. If 1, append the full identified name. If 2, don't append the name; instead append the info string that would be shown for the item in a shop or get items dialog.
- Type 42: Append Terrain Name to Buffer
- Appends the name of a terrain type to
the string buffer.
- Pict:
- If set to 1, a space will be inserted between the current contents of the buffer and the new contents. This is necessary because trailing and leading spaces are stripped from strings.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the terrain type whose name you want to append.
- Type 43: Pause
- Pause the action for some amount of time. This could be useful
in a cutscene, for example.
- Extra 1a:
- This is the length of time to pause, measured in milliseconds.
- Type 44: Start Conversation
- This special node allows you to force a
conversation to start. You can use it if you want someone other than the party to initiate
the conversation, or if you want a conversation outdoors. If you use this outdoors, you
should avoid specifying a personality that can call a town special node, as this is likely
to cause the game to crash since it won't know which town to get the node from.
- Pict:
- This specifies the facial picture to use for the conversation.
- Extra 1a:
- This specifies the personality to use for the conversation. A personality is defined as part of a town; see the chapter on Dialogue for details.
- Type 45: Update Quest
- This special node allows you to set the status of one of
the scenario's quests or jobs.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The quest to update.
- Extra 1b:
- The new status for the quest:
- Marks the quest as not started. This might be useful if the quest is on a job board and you want it to be repeatable. Note however that marking a quest available does not grant automatic rewards. If you want the rewards you would need to first mark the quest as complete.
- Marks the quest as started. If it wasn't already started, the game automatically fills in the quest's start day, and if Extra 2a is non-negative, the quest is considered to have come from the job board with that number.
- Marks the quest as complete. If the quest specifies automatic rewards, the game grants these to the party.
- Marks the quest as failed. If it came from a job board, the game increases the anger level of that job board. You can set Extra 2a if you want to increase the anger level even more. A job board won't offer any jobs if its anger level is 50 or more.
- Type 46: Swap String Buffer
- This special node swaps the active string buffer
with a secondary string buffer. Keep in mind that these changes are not saved with the
saved game.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The buffer to swap with.
- Type 47: Alter Sign Text
- This special node swaps contents of the active string
buffer with the text of a sign on the map. Keep in mind that these changes are not saved
with the saved game.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The sign to swap with.
One-Shot Specials
This is the class of specials you generally only want to occur one time, such as giving items.
For each of these special node types, you can specify a Stuff Done flag in the Stuff Done 1 and Stuff Done 2 fields. If you do, when the node is called, if that flag has a value of 250, the node does nothing and the special ends immediately. If the flag is not 250, the node has the desired effect, and then that Stuff Done flag is set to 250 (so this node has no effect if called again).
These nodes have one more special property. If you have a special encounter marked by a white dot, the first node called from that special encounter is a One-Shot Special, and the specified Stuff Done flag in that node is 250, then the white dot disappears. Thus, specials that don't do anything anymore aren't marked by a special dot.
General notes:
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- All of these nodes change a Stuff Done flag. A Stuff Done flag is described by two values: Stuff done 1 and Stuff done 2. The legal range of the first flag is from 0 to 349, and the range for the second flag is 0 to 49. You can give a value outside the legal range (such as -1 for Stuff Done 1). If you do this, the special node does its job normally, and if this node is called again, it will do it again. This is sometimes a good idea.
- Jump To:
- This works as before, with one exception. If the specified Stuff Done flag for the called node is 250, the special encounter ends and the Jump To field is ignored.
- Type 50: Give Item
- An item is given to the party (specifically, to the first
character who can carry it). Gold and food can also be given. If the party cannot carry
another item, the Stuff Done flag is not set to 250. This can be accompanied by one or two
messages, if you wish.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage. If the items cannot be taken, no messages are displayed.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the item to be given. If -1, no item is given. Press the Choose button to select an item.
- Extra 1b:
- The amount of gold to give. (Range 0 ... 25000)
- Extra 2a:
- The amount of food to give. (Range 0 ... 25000)
- Extra 2b:
- The special to jump to if the item cannot be given (to, perhaps, tell them their inventory is full). If No Special is given, the Jump To special is called normally.
- Type 51: Give Special Item
- Gives the party one of the scenario's special items.
This can be accompanied by one or two messages, if you wish.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the special item to give. (Range 0 ... 49)
- Extra 1b:
- If 0 (the default), the special item is given. Otherwise, it's taken away.
- Type 52: One-Time Do Nothing
- If the Stuff Done flag is set to 250, this node
ends the special encounter. Otherwise, it just calls the Jump To node.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Uses:
- This is provided for one time encounters that don't fit into any of the other types. Some other special node must set the Stuff Done flag to 250 to get the encounter to disappear.
- Type 53: One-Time Nothing and Set
- If the Stuff Done flag is set to 250, this
node ends the special encounter. Otherwise, it sets the Stuff Done flag to 250 and calls
the Jump To node.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual
- Type 54: One-Time Text Message
- Displays one or two message strings.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Type 55: Display Dialog
- This very important special node displays
a dialog box with up to six text messages and a dialog picture (which you choose) in the
upper left. The lower right hand corner can have 1 to 3 buttons. The player must press a
button, at which point another special node will be called. You choose a special node to
call for each button.
The first button is always labeled OK if it's the only button or Leave if there are other buttons. If the first button is pressed, the Jump To special is called normally. Otherwise the special node in Extra 1b or 2b is called.- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual, with one exception. If the first button is pressed, the Stuff Done flag is not set to 250. Otherwise, it is.
- Mess 1:
- The number of the first message to be displayed in the dialog box. The six messages starting with this message will be displayed in the dialog box (though the strings can, of course, be blank). Press the create/edit button to edit the text.
- Mess 3:
- This determines whether the default OK/Leave button appears. If this is 1, this button appears. Otherwise, it doesn't.
- Pict:
- This is the number of the picture to display. To select a picture, press the Choose button.
- Pictype:
- This specifies the type of picture to display. To select a picture type, press the Choose button.
- Extra 1a:
- Determines what the second button is labeled. If left at -1, there is no second button. Press the Choose button to select a label.
- Extra 1b:
- What special node to call if button 2 is pressed.
- Extra 2a:
- Determines what the third button is labeled. If left at -1, there is no third button. Press the Choose button to select a label.
- Extra 2b:
- What special node to call if button 3 is pressed.
- Example:
- If Mess 1 is 30, and Mess 2 is 4, the dialog box that comes up contains messages 30 through 33.
- Note:
- A dialog box can only contain consecutive text messages. You can't bring up a dialog box which contains message 24, followed by messages 1, 20, and 64.
- Example:
- Suppose you want a dialog box to come up displaying messages 37 through 40.
- Uses:
- This is one special node where you may often want to leave Stuff Done 1 at -1 (so this node displays the dialog box every time it's called). For example, if you want the text of a book to come up when the party looks at a certain bookshelf, you probably want the same text to keep coming up when they look at the bookshelf later on.
- Type 58: Give Item Dialog
- Displays a dialog box with up to six text
messages and a dialog picture (which you choose) in the upper left. At the lower right
hand corner are two buttons: Take and Leave. If take is pressed, the party is given an
item (if the item can be carried). If the item is taken, the Stuff Done flag is set to
250, and a specified special node will then be called. Otherwise, the special encounter
ends immediately and the Stuff Done flag is not set.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Mess 1:
- The number of the first message to be displayed in the dialog box. The six messages starting with this message will be displayed in the dialog box (though the strings can, of course, be blank). Press the create/edit button to edit the text.
- Mess 3:
- The number of special item to give. If this is left at -1, no special item is given.
- Pict:
- This is the number of the picture to display. To select a picture, press the Choose button.
- Pictype:
- This specifies the type of picture to display. To select a picture type, press the Choose button.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the item to give. Press the Select Item to pick an item.
- Extra 1b:
- The amount of gold to give. (Range 0 ... 25000)
- Extra 2a:
- The amount of food to give. (Range 0 ... 25000)
- Extra 2b:
- The special to jump to if the item is taken (note that this is different from the Give Item special node, above). If No Special is given, the Jump To special is called normally.
- Type 61: One-Time Place Outdoor Encounter
- This node only has an effect when
called while walking outdoors. It places a special outdoor wandering encounter in a random
open space near the party. This can be accompanied by one or two messages, if you wish.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the special outdoor wandering encounter to place. (Range 0 ... 3)
- Type 62: One-Time Place Town Encounter
- Activates all monsters in town in the
specified Special Encounter Group (see the section on monsters in town for more
information). If no monsters in that group are left, the encounter has no effect. This can
be accompanied by one or two messages, if you wish.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The Special Encounter Code of the monsters to activate. (Range 0 ... 9)
- Type 63: Trap
- Brings up a dialog saying the party has found a trap, and asking
if they want to disarm it. If they say no, the special ends immediately, and, if they're
walking, they can't enter the space. Otherwise, they must select a character to disarm it.
Once disarmed (or triggered) the Jump To special is called. This node only has an effect
in town or combat (no traps outdoors).
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- As usual.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage. You can provide customized text saying the party sees what may be a trap. If both of these fields are left at -1, the game displays a generic You Found A Trap message.
- Extra 1a:
- The type of trap:
- randomly selected
- damage 1 character
- poison 1 character
- poison party
- damage party
- paralyze character
- no trap after all
- drain experience
- make town hostile
- fire damage 1 character
- dumbfound 1 character
- disease 1 character
- disease party
- custom
- Extra 1b:
- The severity of the trap. The higher the number, the deadlier the trap. A severity of three all but guarantees lethality. (Range 0 ... 3)
- Extra 2a:
- The disarming penalty. The higher the number, the harder to disarm. (Range 0 ... 100)
- Extra 2b:
- If trap type is 13 (custom), this scenario special node is called when the PC fails to disarm the trap. It is never called if the PC successfully disarms the trap. The JumpTo node will still be called after calling this node.
- Note:
- If this special node is placed on a container (like a chest), the party must disarm the trap to be able to take any of the items in the chest.
Affect PC/Party/Monster Specials
All of these special encounters do something to one character, to the party, or to a monster. Who they affect depends on several factors.
Special node 80 (Select a Target) asks the player to select one of their PCs. Once this node is called, any Affect PC/Party special nodes called only affect the selected PC. This node can also be used to select a specific monster as a target
Special node 105 (Create a PC) sets the new PC to be the selected PC, so that any Affect nodes called afterwards affect the new PC.
If no Select Target or Create PC node has been called, the node usually affects the entire party, but there are several exceptions to this. If the special node was called as a result of killing or seeing a monster, that monster is considered to be selected. If the special node was called as part of an attack, the attacker is considered to be selected. Finally, if the special was called as a result of targeting a monster (or PC) with a spell, or as a result of using a space that happened to have a monster (or PC) on it, that target is considered to be selected.
Finally, the last few nodes in this section (like Party Status, Affect Gold, etc) only affect the whole party; they ignore the currently selected target.
Note that when one of these specials does something bad to a character (e.g. disease or poison), all resistances (e.g. protection from poison rings) apply.
General notes:
- Type 80: Select a Target
- Brings up a window asking the player to select a living
character. Once this is called, any Affect nodes during this special encounter only affect
the selected character. Also, instead of bringing up a window, there are several
non-interactive options.
- Extra 1a:
- if this is left at 0 (the default), only living characters may be selected. If it is set to 1, any character (dead or alive) can be picked. If it is set to 2, no choice dialog comes up, Instead, any previous PC selections are undone, and any further Affect specials called during this special encounter affect the whole party. If this is set to 3, only dead characters may be selected. If set to 4, only living characters with at least one empty space in their inventory can be selected.
- Extra 1b:
- This special is called if the Cancel button on the select PC dialog box is pressed. If this is left at No Special, when the Cancel button is pressed the special encounter immediately ends.
- Extra 2a:
- If left at 0, the party is allowed to select a PC matching the requested criteria. If set to 1, a random PC matching the criteria is selected, and the node in Extra 1b is called if none was found. If set to 2, a specific character is selected.
- Extra 2b:
- If Extra 2a is set to 2, this specifies which character to select. Use 0-5 to select a specific PC. To select a monster, look up its unique number by locating it in town, editing it, and checking the "Creature number" field. Add 100 to that number, and put it in this field. If the selected PC or monster does not match the criteria set in Extra 1a, then the selected character is not changed and the special in Extra 1b is called. You can also put a unique PC ID (which is 1000 or greater) in this field. If you leave this at -1, the game will take the value in Extra 2c plus 1000 as the unique PC ID to select. By using a unique PC ID, you can affect a stored PC without first unstoring it. Setting Extra 1b to -1 should be done if you have the ID in a Stuff Done Flag; then you'd place a pointer to that SDF in Extra 1c.
- Uses:
- If you want something to increase the strength of one character, call a Select a PC node, followed by an Affect Statistic node.
- Type 81: Do Damage
- This special node damages a character, or the whole party.
It has no effect when called during a talking special. When called during combat, and a
Select a PC node has not been called, it only affects the active character.
- Extra 1a:
- This is the number of dice of damage that is rolled. (Maximum: 256)
- Extra 1b:
- This is the number of sides of the dice that are rolled. For example, if Extra 1a is 5 and Extra 2b is 8, the game generates 5 random numbers from 1 to 8, adds them, and does that much damage. (Maximum: 256)
- Extra 2a:
- This is the amount of extra damage to add. If this is 100, for example, 100 extra points of damage are inflicted.
- Extra 2b:
- This is the type of damage inflicted (0 - weapon, 1 - fire, 2 - poison, 3 - general magic, 4 - unblockable, 5 - cold, 6 - demon, 7 - undead, 8 - assassination)
- Extra 2c:
- If non-zero, this specifies which sound to play along with the damage. Leave it at 0 to use the default sound.
- Type 82: Affect Health
- Increases/decreases health. Health can be changed to a
maximum of 250 or a minimum of 0. This special cannot kill anybody, only reduce their
health to 0.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to raise/lower health.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, health is raised. Otherwise, it's lowered.
- Type 83: Affect Spell Points
- Increases/decreases spell points. Spell points
can be changed to a maximum of 100 or a minimum of 0.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to raise/lower spell points.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, spell points are raised. Otherwise, they're lowered.
- Extra 1c:
- Only used when lowering spell points. If 0, the spell points are lowered by the exact amount specified. If 1, targets with Mage Spells or Priest Spells are allowed to partially resist the effect.
- Type 84: Affect Experience
- Adds/drains experience. If the target is a monster,
this has no effect.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount of experience to add/take. (Range 0 ... 100)
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, adds experience. Otherwise, drains.
- Note:
- Use sparingly, especially when draining.
- Note:
- As a special case, set Extra 1a to -1 to set the PC's experience to the minimum required for its current level.
- Type 85: Affect Skill points
- Adds/drains skill points. If the target is a
monster, this has no effect.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of skill points to add/take. (Range 0 ... 10)
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, adds skill points. Otherwise, drains.
- Note:
- Use sparingly, especially when draining.
- Type 86: Kill/Raise
- Affects a PC's main status, such as "dead", "alive", or
"fled combat". If the target is a monster, "dead" and "dust" are the same, and "fled" and
"absent" are ignored.
- Extra 1a:
- If field Extra 1b is non-zero, this field is ignored. Otherwise, this is the type of death inflicted: 0 - regular death, 1 - dust, 2 - stoned.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, makes the PC/Party intact again (not dead, stoned, etc.) Otherwise, kills/stones the PC/party.
- Extra 1c:
- If 0, the PC/Party gets no saving throw to resist the effect (for example, from luck or protection from petrification items). If 1, the PC/Party is allowed a saving throw.
- Note:
- Needless to say, this should be used very carefully. Nothing makes a scenario unpleasant faster than lots of arbitrary death.
- Advanced:
- This special node has a few advanced features. If you set Extra 1a to 3, you can mark a PC as having fled combat, or even bring them back from this state (this only works in outdoor combat). If you set Extra 1a to 4, you can temporarily split the PC off from the party, or bring them back; you can also bring back a PC this way after using a Split Party node, allowing for more advanced party splitting. (Note that Reunite Party won't work unless a Split Party node has been called.) Finally, if you set Extra 1a to 5, you can delete or undelete a PC.
- Type 87: Affect Status Effect
- Afflicts or cures a status effect on the party.
Note, if harming the party, all resistances apply. You don't need to worry about whether
the chosen status effect is inherently helpful or harmful - the game knows this, so just
set Extra 1b to 0 if you want to help the party or 1 if you want to harm them.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to change. (Usual range is 0 ... 8; Martyr's Shield is 0 ... 10, and paralysis is 0 ... 5000)
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, helps. Otherwise, harms.
- Extra 1c:
- Which status effect. Press the Choose button to select one.
- Note:
- If you affect their forcecage status, a forcecage barrier will automatically be placed on the space. However, if you reduce their forcecage status to 0, it won't work because being in a forcecage barrier will reset their status. To free them from a forcecage, you should instead use Place Fields with the "Cleanse" type.
- Type 88: Affect Traits
- Adds or removes a special trait. If the target is a
monster, this has no effect.
- Extra 1a:
- The trait to add or remove. Click the Choose button to select one.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, gives the trait. Otherwise, removes it.
- Note:
- Adding or removing a trait sets the experience needed to level up to the value it would have been if they had always had that trait, though it does not alter the PC's level. Also, always set Extra 1b to 0 to give a trait, even if it's a harmful one.
- Type 89: Affect Action Points
- Adds or removes action points.
- Extra 1a:
- How many action points.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, adds action points. Otherwise, removes.
- Type 90: Affect Name
- Alters a PC or monster name.
- Mess3:
- The number of the string containing the new name.
- Type 91: Affect Level
- Alters the experience level of a monster or PC.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of levels to add/remove.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, gains levels. Otherwise, removes.
- Note: Use sparingly, especially when draining. If affecting a PC, this does not change skill points or amount of experience.
- Type 92: Affect Morale
- Changes a monster's morale. If the target is not a
monster, this has no effect. Decreasing morale is the same as a Fear spell.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to increase/decrease morale.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, increases. Otherwise, decreases.
- Type 93: Affect Soul Crystal
- Records the currently targeted monster in the
party's soul crystal, or erases it if there is already a monster of the same kind recorded.
If the current target is not a monster, this has no effect. If you know the type of the
monster you want to record, then you need to first place one on the map, record it in the
soul crystal, and finally remove it from the map.
- Extra 1a:
- If 0, records. Otherwise, erases.
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, the monster is given a chance to resist. If 1, the capture is forced.
- Note:
- Recording a monster works exactly as a successful casting of Capture Soul on it, meaning that a random existing monster will be erased if necessary to make room. Multispace monsters, monsters of the Important race, and monsters with the Splits special ability will not be recorded.
- Type 94: Give Equipment
- Gives some equipment to the currently targeted PC. If
the target is a monster, this has no effect. This is different from the Forced Give or
One-Time Give nodes in that you can choose which PC receives it; it also provides
additional options.
- Pict:
- If the target PC's inventory is full, this special node is called. It is not called if the item is too heavy for the PC to carry (in that case, the item is given anyway). This would also be called if you tried to give an item to a dead or absent PC.
- Extra 1a:
- The item to give. Press Choose to select one.
- Extra 1b:
- If the item is a weapon, you can optionally add an enchantment. Press Choose to select one, or leave at -1 for none.
- Extra 1c:
- If the item has charges, you can specify a different number than the default. Leave at -1 to use the default. If the item doesn't normally have charges, this is ignored. (But keep in mind that certain enchantments give charges.)
- Extra 2a:
- You can force whether the item is identified using this field. If left at -1, the default setting in the item properties is used. Set to 0 to force it to be unidentified, or 1 to force it to be identified. If you set it to 2, it will be fully identified, even revealing the concealed ability (if any).
- Extra 2b:
- You can force whether the item is cursed using this field. Leave at -1 to use the default setting, or set to 0 to force uncursed, 1 to force cursed.
- Extra 2c:
- You can cause the item to be automatically equipped using this
field. Leave at -1 to suppress this behaviour, or choose from the following options:
- Soft equip - as if the player had attempted to equip it normally. If there is any restriction preventing it from being equipped, such as having something else of the same kind equipped, then the item will not be equipped.
- Try to equip - as if the player had unequipped any blocking items and then equipped it. The only thing that will prevent it from being equipped is if there was a cursed item of the same kind equipped.
- Force equip - the item will be equipped, no matter what. Any items that were of the same type will be unequipped, even if they were cursed.
- Type 95: Affect Monster Target
- Changes the monster's current target. If the
target is not a monster, this has no effect.
- Extra 1a:
- The new target (same as Extra 1b in Select a Target)
- Type 96: Affect Monster Attack
- Changes the strength of one of a monster's
attacks. If the target is not a monster, this has no effect.
- Extra 1a:
- The attack to change. (Range 0 ... 2)
- Extra 1b:
- The amount to change the number of dice. (0 to leave it unchanged.)
- Extra 1c:
- The amount to change the number of sides. (0 to leave it unchanged.)
- Extra 2a:
- If 0, increase strength. Otherwise, decrease.
- Type 97: Affect Monster Statistic
- Changes one of a monster's inherent
statistics. If the target is not a monster, this has no effect.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to increase/decrease. (Range 0 ... 7)
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, increase. Otherwise, decrease.
- Extra 2a:
- The statistic to increase/decrease: 0 - max health, 1 - max magic, 2 - armor, 3 - skill, 4 - speed, 5 - mage spells, 6 - priest spells
- Type 98: Affect Statistic
- Changes the character's statistics (e.g. Strength,
Mage Spells, etc.)
- Pict:
- This is a number from 1 to 100, which represents the percentage chance the statistic is affected. If 100 (the default) it's always changed. If 0, it never is.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to increase/decrease (0 .. 10).
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, increase. If 1, decrease.
- Extra 2a:
- The statistic to increase/decrease (Range 0 ... 18): 0 - Strength, 1 - Dexterity, 2 - Intelligence, 3 - Edged, 4 - Bashing, 5 - Pole, 6 - Missile, 7 - Bow, 8 - Defense, 9 - Mage Spells, 10 - Priest Spells, 11 - Mage Lore, 12 - Alchemy, 13 - Item Lore, 14 - Traps, 15 - Lockpick, 16 - Assassination, 17 - Poison, 18 - Luck, 19 - Max HP, 20 - Max SP.
- Note:
- Use this node sparingly, especially if decreasing the stat.
- Type 99: Give Mage Spell
- Gives a mage spell. The spells are listed in the
- Extra 1a:
- The spell to give (Range 0 ... 61).
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, give spell. If 1, take away.
- Note:
- Use this node sparingly if taking away spells.
- Example:
- To give the spell Wall of Force, set Extra 1a to 25.
- Type 100: Give Priest Spell
- Gives a priest spell. The spells are listed in the
- Extra 1a:
- The spell to give (Range 0 ... 61).
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, give spell. If 1, take away.
- Type 101: Affect Gold
- Adds/removes gold.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to increase/decrease. (Range 0 ... 25000)
- Extra 1b:
- Whether to increase or decrease.
- Note:
- This special (and three following) only affect the whole party.
- Type 102: Affect Food
- Adds/removes food.
- Extra 1a:
- The amount to increase/decrease. (Range 0 ... 25000)
- Extra 1b:
- Whether to increase or decrease.
- Type 103: Give Alchemy
- Gives an alchemy recipe. The recipes are listed in the
- Extra 1a:
- The recipe to give (Range 0 ... 19).
- Extra 1b:
- If 0, give recipe. If 1, take away.
- Type 104: Affect Party Status
- Adds or removes a status effect that
affects the whole party, such as Stealth or Flight.
- Extra 1a:
- The duration (Range 0 ... 250).
- Extra 1b:
- 0 - increase, 1 - decrease
- Extra 2a:
- Which status effect: 0 - Stealth, 1 - Flight, 2 - Detect Life, 3 - Firewalk.
- Note:
- If the party is in a boat or on a horse, you can't increase the flight effect. Also, Detect Life and Stealth do nothing outdoors while Flight does nothing in town.
- Type 105: Create New PC
- This special node adds an entirely new PC to the party.
After this node is called, the new PC is considered to be the selected PC, and any
subsequent Affect nodes will apply only to the new PC.
- Stuff Done 1, Stuff Done 2:
- If these are set to something other than -1, this SDF is set to the unique ID of the new PC, minus 1000. If you want to do anything with this PC after the current node chain ends, you need to set these. It's not sufficient to just keep track of which slot the PC was placed in, because the player can rearrange their party at will.
- Mess3:
- The number of a string containing the new PC's name.
- Pict:
- The PC graphic to give to the new PC.
- Pictype:
- A special node that will be called if the party already has 6 PCs.
- Extra 1a:
- The new PC's maximum health.
- Extra 1b:
- The new PC's maximum spell points.
- Extra 1c:
- The new PC's race. Click Choose to select one.
- Extra 2a:
- The new PC's Strength skill.
- Extra 2b:
- The new PC's Dexterity skill.
- Extra 2c:
- The new PC's Intelligence skill.
- Uses:
- This could be used to have an NPC join your party.
- Type 106: Store PC
- This special node removes a PC from the party and stores
them away somewhere.
- Stuff Done 1, Stuff Done 2:
- If these are set to something other than -1, this SDF is set to the unique ID of the stored PC, minus 1000. Only leave these unset if you already know the unique ID (for example, because you obtained it when creating the PC with the above node). If you don't know the unique ID of the stored PC, there is no way to unstore it.
- Extra 1a:
- If you set this to 1, the PC is not stored, but the SDF (if present) is updated.
- Uses:
- This could be used if you have an NPC that joins the party, and you want the NPC to leave at some point and later return to the party.
- Type 107: Unstore PC
- This special node takes a PC previously stored with the
above node and, if there's space, puts it back into the party.
- Extra 1a:
- The unique ID of the PC to unstore. If less than 1000, the game will add 1000 to it.
- Extra 1b:
- A special node that will be called if the party already has 6 PCs.
If-Then Specials
These special node types don't do anything by themselves. Instead, they choose from several choices which node to call next. For example, if you want something to happen when the party has the Crown of Might and something different to happen when they don't, you would use an If-Then special, which would lead to two different special nodes, one for when they have the crown, and one for when they don't.
All of these nodes can be used for any type of special. All of them require selecting a new special node (or nodes) in the Extra 1b and/or Extra 2b fields. If No Special is selected in both of these fields, the Jump To special node is called.
Some of these special nodes depend on the target selected with the Select Target special node, either always or as an option. This will be explicitly mentioned where it applies.
- Type 130: Stuff Done Flag?
- Calls new nodes depending on the value of a given
Stuff Done flag. If the Stuff Done flag is greater than the value of Extra 1a, the special
in Extra 1b is called. Otherwise, if the Stuff Done flag is less than the value in Extra
2a, the special in Extra 2b is called. If neither case applies, the Jump To special is
The default value for Extra 1a is -1. If it is left at -1, it isn't checked, and the special in Extra 1b won't be called. The same is true for Extra 2a.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- Specifies the Stuff Done flag to inspect.
- Type 131: Town Number?
- Result depends on the town the party is in.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of a town. If the party is in this town, the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Jump To:
- This is called if the party is not in a town, or not in the town in Extra 1a.
- Type 132: Random Number?
- Result depends on a randomly generated number. The
game will pick a random number from 1 to 100.
- Extra 1a:
- If the random number is less than this value, the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 133: Have Special Item?
- Result depends on whether the party has a certain
special item.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of a special item. If a character has this special item, the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 134: Stuff Done Compare?
- Calls new nodes depending on whether one Stuff
Done flag is greater than another or not. If the first Stuff Done flag is greater than or
equal to the second, the special in Extra 2b is called. Otherwise, the Jump To special is
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- Specifies the first Stuff Done flag.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- Specifies the second Stuff Done flag.
- Extra 2b:
- The special to jump to if the second flag is less than the first.
- Example:
- Stuff Done flag (1,8) is 15. Stuff Done Flag (2,3) is 5. If this node is called with Stuff Done 1 equal to 1, Stuff Done 2 equal to 8, Extra 1a equal to 2, and Extra 1b equal to 3, then, as (1,8) is higher than (2,3), the special in Extra 2b will be called.
- Type 135: Terrain this type?
- Result depends on whether a specified spot is of
a given terrain type.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the desired space.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of a terrain type. If the given space is of this terrain type, the special in Extra 2b is called.
- Jump To:
- If the party is not in a town, or the terrain is not of the given type, this special is called.
- Uses:
- Suppose a guard opens a gate for the party, and tells them he opened it. First, you might want to check if the gate is already opened, so that he can get angry and tell them he already opened it.
- Type 136: Is alive?
- Result depends on whether the currently selected target is
- Extra 1a:
- If -1, the node succeeds if the target is alive. You can also set this to any of the values accepted by the Kill/Raise node to check if the PC is dead, dust, stone, etc. If the selected target is a monster, setting this to anything other than -1 will make the test automatically fail.
- Extra 1b:
- The special node to call if the test succeeds. If Extra 1a is -1, this is called if the target is alive.
- Jump To:
- If the test fails, this special is called.
- Type 137: Has Gold?
- Result depends on whether the party has enough gold.
- Extra 1a:
- If the party has at least this much gold, the special is Extra 1b is called.
- Extra 2a:
- If this is 1, the gold is taken from the party. If 0, it isn't taken.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Uses:
- If someone is selling, say, Strength improvement, you can first use this to see if the party has enough gold to afford it.
- Note:
- This node (and the next four) are the only If-Then nodes that (potentially) actually have an effect in the game.
- Type 138: Has Food?
- Result depends on whether the party has enough food.
- Extra 1a:
- If the party has at least this much food, the special is Extra 1b is called.
- Extra 2a:
- If this is 1, the food is taken from the party. If 0, it isn't taken.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 139: Item Class on Space?
- Result depends on whether an item of a given
special item class is sitting on a specified spot in town.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the desired spot.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of a special item class. If an item with this special item class is sitting on the given space, the special in Extra 2b is called.
- Extra 2c:
- If this is 1, the item is removed from the space. If 0, it isn't removed.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise (or if the party is outdoors) this special is called.
- Uses:
- A magic barrier that only lets people through if a certain item has been placed on a nearby pedestal.
- Type 140: Have Item with Class?
- Result depends on whether a PC owns an item
with the specified Special Class (see the chapter in items for information on item special
- Extra 1a:
- An item special class number. If a character has an item with this special class, the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Extra 2a:
- If this is 1, the item is taken from the PC. If 0, it isn't taken.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Uses:
- This is a great special to implement tickets to enter somewhere. Create a ticket item with a special class of, say, 20. Have this special take one item of class 20. If the party has none, have Jump To point to a special node telling them they have no ticket and blocking them from entering.
- Type 141: Equipped Item with Class?
- Result depends on whether a PC owns an
item with the specified Special Class, which is currently equipped.
- Extra 1a:
- An item special class number. If a character has an item with this special class which is equipped, the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Extra 2a:
- If this is 1, the item is taken from the PC. If 0, it isn't taken.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 142: Has Mage Spell?
- Result depends on whether the selected PC knows a
particular mage spell. If the whole party is selected, any PC knowing the spell is
- Extra 1a:
- If the selected PC knows this mage spell (0...61), the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 143: Has Priest Spell?
- Result depends on whether the selected PC knows a
particular priest spell. If the whole party is selected, any PC knowing the spell is
- Extra 1a:
- If the selected PC knows this priest spell (0...61), the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 144: Has Alchemy?
- Result depends on whether the party knows a particular
alchemical recipe.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the desired spot.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of a special item class. If an item with this special item class is sitting on the given space, the special in Extra 2b is called and that item is removed from the game.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise (or if the party is outdoors) this special is called.
- Type 145: Has Status Effect?
- Result depends on whether the selected target is
afflicted with a particular status effect.
- Extra 1a:
- Which status effect to check for.
- Extra 1b:
- This special is called if the test for the selected status effect passes. Exactly how it passes is determined by Extra2a, Extra 2b, and Extra 2c.
- Extra 2a:
- This is a value to compare the level of the status effect to.
- Extra 2b:
- This is only used if the whole party is selected. See the Have Enough of Statistic? node for details on the values that can be used here.
- Extra 2c
- Determines how the calculated level of the status effect is compared to the reference value in Extra 2a. If this is -1, for example, the special in Extra 1b is called if the actual value is less than Extra 1a. Click the Choose button to select the option you want.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 146: If Looking?
- Result depends on whether the special node was called
while the party was looking at a space.
- Extra 1c:
- This special is called if the special node was initiated by the player looking at a space.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 147: Day reached?
- Result depends on whether a certain day has been
- Extra 1a:
- The number of a day. If it is this day (or later) the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 148: If Fields/Objects?
- Result depends on the presence of fields,
barriers, or similar transient objects existing in the current town.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b, Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- The rectangle to check. This works just like a Rectangle special; see that section for details.
- Stuff Done:
- The minimum and maximum number of fields needed.
- Mess1:
- The type of field or other object to check for. Note that 0 and 9 are not valid values. Click the Choose button to select the field you want to check for.
- Mess2:
- The game counts the number of the selected field that exist within the specified rectangle. If the result is between the given minimum and maximum (inclusive), this special is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise (or if this special is called while outdoors), this special is called.
- Type 149: Party size?
- Result depends on how many PCs are in the party.
- Extra 2a:
- If 0, require exact party size. If 1, only require minimum size.
- Extra 2b:
- If there are at least this many PCs in the party (or, if Extra 2a is 0, exactly this many PCs), the special in Extra 2b is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Type 150: Special Thing happened?
- Result depends on whether a given day was
reached before a given event happened (see the chapter on the passage of time for more
- Extra 1a:
- The day some special thing is supposed to happen.
- Extra 1b:
- The number of an event (0 .. 20). This is the event that would prevent the special thing from happening (leave at 0 for no event). If the day in 1a has been reached, and this special event did not occur before the day in 1a, then the special in Extra 2b is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Uses:
- Suppose an altar is destroyed on day 50, if the Demon Fred is not killed
by them. Let the killing of the demon Fred be event 3 (so, when Fred is killed, a Major
Event Has Happened special is called).
Then, when the party reaches the altar, call this special with Extra 1a set to 50 and Extra 1b set to 3. Then, should Fred have destroyed the altar, the special in Extra 2b will be called.
- Type 151: Species Present?
- Result depends on whether there is a living PC of a
particular species.
- Extra 1a:
- The species to check for.
- Extra 1b:
- This special is called if the number of living PCs of the specified species compares favourably with the required number in Extra 2a.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of PCs required of the specified species.
- Extra 2b:
- Specifies how to compare the actual number with the required number. For example, if this is 2, the special in Extra 1b will be called if there are at least as many PCs of the required race as specified in Extra 2a.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Note:
- If there are less PCs than the required number in the party, but all of them are of the required species, then the special node in Extra 1b is still called. If this is undesirable, check the party size first.
- Type 152: Has Trait?
- Result depends on whether a living PC has a particular
trait. This works just like the above node, but checks for a trait instead of a species.
- Extra 1a:
- The trait to check for.
- Extra 1b:
- This special is called if the number of living PCs with the specified trait compares favourably with the required number in Extra 2a.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b
- As in the above node.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Uses:
- This is often used to check the Cave Lore or Woodsman traits.
- Type 153: Has Enough of Statistic?
- Result depends on whether a particular skill in the party is high enough.
- Extra 1a:
- If the skill is at least this amount, the special in Extra 1b is called.
- Extra 2a:
- The statistic to check for.
- Extra 2b:
- This is the cumulation method used to check for the skill. If set to -1, only the currently selected PC from the Select Target node is checked. If 0, the skill levels of all living PCs are added up. If 1, the skill levels of all living PCs are averaged. If 2, it takes only the PC with the minimum level in the skill. If 3, the maximum level.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Note:
- Don't make the required amount be much higher than 20. In fact, it's generally best to never make it higher than 20, since there's a possibility that the party will have only one PC. For the same reason, if checking mage or priest spells skill, you generally shouldn't make the required amount higher than 7.
- Uses:
- Checking if the party has enough mage lore to decipher an ancient scroll and learn a new spell.
- Type 154: Text response?
- This is one of the most complicated and powerful
special nodes. It brings up a dialog box asking the party to type in some text (such as
the answer to a riddle, or a password). If the response matches one of two given text
messages, a specified special node is called.
- Pict:
- This is a number from 1 to 10. It is the number of characters the player's answer has to match the correct answer to be accepted. If it is 4, the first four characters of the player's answer must match the first four characters of the correct answer.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of a scenario special message (not a town or outdoor special message).
- Extra 1b:
- If the player's answer matches the message in Extra 1a, this special is called.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of a scenario special message (not a town or outdoor special message).
- Extra 2b:
- If the player's answer matches the message in Extra 1a, this special is called.
- Jump To:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
- Note:
- To create the scenario message containing the correct answer, select Edit Scenario Text from the Scenario menu. Scroll down to messages 160-259, the special encounter messages, and select one that begins with an * (i.e. is unused). Put the correct answer to the question there. The number of that message (160-259) is the number to put in the Extra 1a/Extra 2a field.
- Example:
- A pixie asks a riddle whose answer is cheese. Scenario message 185 is
cheese. Message 1 says the pixie's riddle. Extra 1a is 185, Extra 1b is the special node
with the result of correctly answering the riddle, and Jump To leads to the node with the
result of an incorrect answer.
If pict is set to 4, only the first 4 characters of the player's answer are looked at. Thus, cheese, cheer, and cheep would count as right answers. Chew, however, would not.
- Note:
- Letter case is ignored. ChEeSe would be counted as a correct answer, even if the correct answer was CHEese.
- Type 155: Stuff done equal?
- If the specified Stuff Done flag is equal to the
value given in Extra 1a, the special in Extra 1b is called. Otherwise, the Jump To special
is called.
- Stuff done 1, Stuff done 2:
- Specifies the Stuff Done flag to inspect.
- Extra 1a:
- If the Stuff Done flag equals this value, call special in Extra 1b.
- Type 156: If Context?
- Result depends on how the special node was called.
- Extra 1a:
- The context to test for. Click Choose to select one. If you want to check whether the party is in town, in combat, or outdoors, you probably want one of the first three options. To test for Ritual of Sanctification, use the Targeting Spell option and set Extra 1b to 108. Most of these contexts arise from special nodes assigned while editing monsters, items, town details, and other things, rather than special nodes assigned to a terrain space.
- Extra 1b:
- The meaning of this field depends on the context. Usually it's not used. For the three movement contexts, 0 means you can enter the space and 1 means you can't. For the targeting spell context, setting this to something other than -1 means that the special in Extra 1c will only be called if the spell that was cast is equal to the spell that has the given number. Add 100 to indicate a priest spell. Item-only spells such as Wrack or Strengthen Target can also be tested for; just enter the same spell ID you would enter for the item ability.
- Type 157: If Numeric Response?
- Result depends on a number entered by the player.
- Mess 1:
- The number of a scenario string giving a prompt to the user.
- Mess 2, Mess 3:
- Specifies the minimum and maximum value the game will accept. If the player tries to enter a value outside this range, the dialog will not close. The dialog will display the expect range clearly to the player.
- Pict:
- Specifies the comparison mode for the tests. If 0, the test passes when the number is in the specified range. If 1, the test passes when the number is not in the specified range. If 2, the test passes if the number compares favourably to the expected number.
- Pic Type:
- Specifies a special node to call if both tests pass.
- Extra 1a:
- If Pict is set to 0 or 1, this specifies the lower bound of the range. Otherwise, it specifies the number to compare to.
- Extra 1b:
- If Pict is set to 0 or 1, this specifies the upper bound of the range. Otherwise, it specifies the comparison operator to use. Click Choose to select one.
- Extra 1c:
- This special node is called if this test fails but the other test passes.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b, Extra 2c:
- As extra 1a, 1b, and 1c, defining a second test.
- JumpTo:
- This special node is called if neither of the tests pass.
- Note:
- If Extra 1a is set to -1, the first test is ignored and the special nodes in Extra 1c and Pic Type are never called. Similarly, if Extra 2a is set to -1, the second test is ignored and the special nodes in Extra 2c and Pic Type are never called.
- Type 158: In Boat?
- Result depends whether the player is in a boat.
- Extra 1b:
- If left at -1, the special in Extra 1c is called if the player is in any boat. Otherwise, the special in Extra 1c is only called if the player is in the boat with that number.
- Type 158: On Horse?
- Result depends whether the player is on horseback.
- Extra 1b:
- If left at -1, the special in Extra 1c is called if the player is on any horses. Otherwise, the special in Extra 1c is only called if the player is on the horses with that number.
- Type 159: Quest Status?
- Result depends on the status of a quest.
- Extra 1a:
- The quest to check.
- Extra 1b:
- If the quest has this status (0 - not started, 1 - started, 2 - completed, 3 - failed), the special in Extra 1c is called.
- Jumpto:
- Otherwise, this special is called.
Town Mode Specials
These special nodes only have an effect in town mode (where most of the game takes place). If called outdoors, all of these nodes immediately jump to the Jump To special.
For all of these special types, unless the description specifically says it ends the special encounter, once done, each node calls the Jump To node.
General notes:
- Mess 1, Mess 2:
- All of these special node types can display one or two messages. If you don't want a message displayed, just leave these at -1.
- Type 170: Town Hostile
- When called, all friendly people in the town
immediately turn hostile. This node can also be used for other mass attitude changes.
Extra 1a and Extra 1b indicate the endpoints of a range of monsters to affect (counting
based on their internal location in the game), and Extra 2a is the target attitude.
- Note:
- This node may yet change drastically, so you should be wary of using it for anything other than its original purpose.
- Type 171: Run Missile Animation
- This node animates a missile attack originating
from one space and ending on another space.
- Pic:
- The number of the missile animation to use.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the source location.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- The x and y coordinates of the target location. If there is a multispace monster on that location, the missile target is adjusted to target the centre of the monster rather than the centre of this space.
- Extra 1c:
- Determines how the missile's path is calculated. Allowed values are 0 or 1.
- Extra 2c:
- The number of a sound to play during the animation.
- Type 172: Animate Monster Attack
- This node causes a monster to enter its attack pose. The monster can be specified in one of two ways.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space the monster is on.
- OR Extra 1a:
- The number of the monster that should attack, plus 100. Or 0-5 to animate a party member. To use this method, leave Extra 1b at -1.
- Type 173: Animate Fake Damage Splash
- This node draws a splash effect on a space
to indicate that it has been attacked, along with an optional number indicating the amount
of damage supposedly dealt.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The location to draw the effect on.
- Extra 2a:
- Type of damage to show.
- Extra 2b:
- Amount of damage to show. If 0, no number is drawn.
- Extra 1c:
- If 0, play the default sound for the chosen damage type. Otherwise, override it with a different sound.
- Type 174: Move Party
- The party is moved to a new location. The party cannot be
moved while in combat ... if the party is in combat mode, they will not be allowed to
enter the space, and the special encounter ends immediately.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to move them to.
- Extra 2a:
- If 0, they are simply moved. If non-zero, they are teleported (i.e. there is a noise and a pretty flash of light). This is ignored if the special is called while talking.
- Type 175: Hit Space
- Everything within the specified space takes damage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to hit.
- Extra 2a:
- The amount of damage to inflict. (Range 0 ... 1000)
- Extra 2b:
- This is the type of damage inflicted (0 - weapon, 1 - fire, 2 - poison, 3 - general magic, 4 - unblockable, 5 - cold, 6 - demon, 7 - undead, 8 - assassination)
- Note:
- Damage doing specials are ignored when called while Talking.
- Type 176: Explosion on Space
- Everything within a given radius of the specified
space takes damage. Only creatures who can be seen from the exploding space are affected.
- Pict:
- The radius of the explosion. (Range 0 ... 100)
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to hit.
- Extra 2a:
- The amount of damage to inflict. (Range 0 ... 1000)
- Extra 2b:
- This is the type of damage inflicted (0 - weapon, 1 - fire, 2 - poison, 3 - general magic, 4 - unblockable, 5 - cold, 6 - demon, 7 - undead, 8 - assassination)
- Note:
- Damage doing specials are ignored when called while Talking.
- Type 177: Lock Space
- If the terrain in a given space has Special Type
lockable, it becomes locked (i.e. is changed to its locked terrain type).
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to lock.
- Type 178: Unlock Space
- If the terrain in a given space has Special Type
unlockable, it becomes unlocked (i.e. is changed to its locked terrain type).
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to unlock.
- Type 179: Do sfx burst
- A flashy explosion appears on the specified space. This
has no other affect.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space for the explosion to appear on.
- Extra 2a:
- The type of explosion. 0 - fire 1 - teleportation 2 - electricity (blue) 3 - electricity (yellow) 4 - weird 5 - frost
- Extra 2b:
- If left at 0, the burst is a simple explosion. If set to 1, a larger burst is used for an even flashier effect.
- Extra 2c:
- Specifies the sound to play with the explosion. Leave at -1 to use the default for the explosion type. (For custom explosions, the default is none.)
- Note:
- This does nothing if called when in talking mode.
- Type 180: Make Wandering Monster
- A group of wandering monsters appears (at one of the designated wandering monster sites).
- Type 181: Place a Monster
- Places a creature of the selected type at the
selected space.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates to place the monster at.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of the creature to place. Press the Choose button to select the monster.
- Extra 2b:
- If this is 0, if no creature can go there (for example, a creature is already there), nothing happens. If nonzero, the placement is forced.
- Type 182: Destroy Monster
- Any creatures on the given space are removed.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates to clear of monsters.
- Type 183: Destroy all Monsters
- Most or all of the creatures in the dungeon
- Extra 1a:
- The type of creature to remove. Click the Choose button to select one, or use one of the following special values. If this is 0, all creatures disappear. If -1, only friendly creatures disappear. If -2, only hostile creatures disappear.
- Type 184: Generic Lever
- A dialog box comes up saying the party has found a lever, and asking if they want to pull it. The dialog buttons are Yes and No. If the No button is pressed, the Jump To special is used. If the Yes button is pushed, the terrain in the special space is turned to its Transform To What type (if this special is called while looking or moving, not talking), and the special node specified in Extra 1b is called.
- Type 185: Generic Portal
- A dialog box comes up saying the party has found a
portal, and asking if they want to enter it. The dialog buttons are Enter and Leave. If
the Leave button is pressed, the Jump To special is called. Otherwise, the party is moved,
and the special encounter ends.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space the party is teleported to if the player pushes Enter.
- Note:
- Like all party moving special nodes, if this is called any time besides when walking in town mode, the special encounter normally ends immediately, and, if moving, the party is not allowed to enter the space.
- Type 186: Generic Button
- A dialog box comes up saying the party has found a button, and asking if they want to push it. The dialog buttons are Yes and No. If the No button is pressed, the Jump To special is used. If the Yes button is pushed, the special node specified in Extra 1b is called.
- Type 187: Generic Stairway
- A dialog box comes up saying the party has found a
stairway, and asking if they want to climb it. The dialog buttons are Climb and Leave. If
the Leave button is pressed, the Jump To special is used, and the party is not allowed to
enter the space. If the Climb button is pushed, the party is moved to another town.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space the party is to be placed in in the new town.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of the town to place them in.
- Extra 2b:
- Determines what text appears in the dialog. 0 - stairs up, 1 - stairs down, 2 - path slopes up, 3 - path slopes down, 4 - slimy stairway up, 5 - slimy stairway down, 6 - dark passage up, 7 - dark passage down, 8+ - no dialog (stairway is forced).
- Extra 2c:
- If left at 0, the party can only enter while walking in town mode (as described in the note for Generic Portal). If set to 1 or 3, the encounter can be activated in combat mode. If set to 2 or 3, the encounter can be activated by other actions, such as searching the space, using the space, targeting a spell on the space, etc.
- Type 188: Lever
- A dialog box comes up with text you supply (saying, perhaps,
they've found a lever). The dialog buttons are Yes and No.
If the No button is pressed, the Jump To special is used.
If the Yes button is pushed, the terrain in the special space is turned to its Transform
To What type (if this special is called while looking or moving, not talking), and the
special node specified in Extra 1b is called.
- Mess 1:
- The number of the first message to be displayed in the dialog box. Press the Create/Edit button to edit the text.
- Pict, Pictype:
- This specifies the picture to display. To select a picture, press the Choose Picture button.
- Extra 1b:
- The special node to call if Yes is pushed.
- Type 189: Portal
- A dialog box comes up (saying, perhaps, they've found a
teleporter). The dialog buttons are Enter and Leave.
- Mess 1:
- The number of the first message to be displayed in the dialog
- Press the Create/Edit button to edit the text.
- Pict, Pictype:
- This specifies the picture to display. To select a picture, press the Choose Picture button.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space the party is teleported to if the player pushes Enter.
- Note:
- Like all party moving special nodes, if this is called any time besides when walking in town mode, the special encounter ends immediately, and, if moving, the party is not allowed to enter the space.
- Type 190: Stairway
- A dialog comes up text you supply (saying, perhaps, they've
found a stairway). The dialog buttons are Climb and Leave.
If the Leave button is pressed, the Jump To special is
used, and the party is not allowed to enter the space. If the Climb button is pushed, the
party is moved to another town.
- Mess 1:
- The number of the first message to be displayed in the dialog box. Press the Create/Edit button to edit the text.
- Pict, Pictype:
- This specifies the picture to display. To select a picture, press the Choose Picture button.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space the party is to be placed in in the new town.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of the town to place them in.
- Extra 2b:
- If this is set to 1, the stairway is forced. No dialog box appears. Instead, the party is immediately moved to the different level.
- Extra 2c:
- This has the same effect as on a Generic Stairway (see above for details).
- Type 191: Relocate Outdoors
- Changes the outdoors location of the party.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the outdoor section to place the party in.
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- The x and y coordinates of their new location in that sector (Range 0 ... 47, 0 ... 47)
- Uses:
- If, when the party leaves at the north end of a dungeon, you want them to be in a different location in the outdoors from where they were when the entered, place a special node of this type just before the north exit (where they're forced to step on it).
- Type 192: Place Item
- Places an item on a specified space.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to place it on.
- Extra 2a:
- The number of the item to place. Press the Choose button to select an item.
- Type 193: Split Party
- This powerful and unique special node splits up the
party. The player is asked to select a character. If the player hits Cancel, the node
special encounter ends immediately and the party is not allowed to enter the space.
Otherwise, the selected character is moved to a given spot and everyone else is left
behind. To later reunite the party, use the Reunite Party special node below.
There are three rules when using this special. First, once the character is alone, never let him or her leave town without reuniting with the party. Second, don't let the character reach another Split Party node. Finally, always make it possible to reach a Reunite Party node. Otherwise, the player will be stuck with only one character permanently.
If this node is called at any time besides in town mode, while walking or looking, the special encounter ends immediately and this node is ignored.
When this node is used, if the player sends a PC off alone, the special encounter ends immediately. Only if the player hits Cancel is the Jump To node used.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates to place the alone character in.
- Extra 2a:
- If 0, nothing else happens. If non-zero, a teleportation noise plays when the party is split up.
- Note
- The three rules above are good guidelines to follow and were absolutely necessary in the original version of the game. However, with the updated version, you can break some of them if you really know what you're doing. The game now keeps track of the town the split occurred in, so leaving town while split will not cause problems, but you should make sure the party can't loop back around to where they split from (or reach another Split Party node). Additionally, it's possible to use the Kill/Raise node to reunite the party, instead of the Reunite Party node; however, you still need to call Reunite Party with Extra 2a set to 1 so that the game stops tracking the location at which they split up.
- Type 194: Reunite Party
- If the party is not split up, this node is ignored. If
the party is split up, the lone character is moved back to where the party was when it was
split up, the party is rejoined, and the special encounter ends.
- Extra 1a:
- If 0, nothing else happens. If non-zero, a teleportation noise plays when the party is reunited.
- Extra 2a:
- If 0, the party is returned to where they split up at. Otherwise, the party remains at their current location.
- Type 195: Start Town Timer
- One of the party's town encounter timers is
activated. Each move taken, the timer goes down by 1. When it runs out, a town special
node is called. If the party leaves town (even to go to a different dungeon level),
however, the timer cleared and no special happens.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of moves before the timer runs out. (Range 0 ... 30000)
- Extra 2b:
- The town special node to call when the timer runs out. If left at No Special, nothing happens.
- Type 196: Change Lighting Level
- This node changes the current light level of
the town and/or party.
- Extra 1a:
- If left at -1, no change. Otherwise, set the lighting mode of the town (the value normally set in Town Details).
- Extra 2a:
- The amount by which to adjust the party's light level (as is normally obtained from spells, lamps, etc).
- Extra 2b:
- If 0, increase light level. Otherwise, decrease it.
- Type 197: Set Attitude
- Change the attitude of a single monster.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the monster to affect. This is its unique ID within the town, which is shown at the top right of the Edit Placed Creature dialog.
- Extra 1b:
- The new attitude.
- Type 198: Centre on Space
- Centres the terrain view on the specified space, as
if the player had selected the Look command and scrolled the view there. Note that, if you
want to show areas that would not be visible to the party from the current location, you
must also use the Lift Fog node.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The location to centre on. If either is -1, the view is reset to centre on the active character.
- Type 199: Lift Fog
- Lift the fog of war so that spaces out of the party's line
of sight become fully visible. The fog is automatically restored at the end of the current
turn (after monsters make their move).
- Extra 1a:
- If 1, lift the fog. If 0, restore it.
- Note:
- If needed, you can also use this to force the screen to be redrawn (just specify the current fog setting).
- Type 200: Initiate Targeting Mode
- This advanced node hooks into the native
Blades of Exile targeting engine to allow the player to select one or more targets. The
options are slightly different depending on whether the node is called during combat.
When not in combat (ie, just wandering around town), it only supports selecting a single target, and the rotateable wall area is not available. The player can select any space in sight regardless of range.
When in combat mode, the options increase. You can specify a maximum number of targets, allowing the player to select several locations as with the Arrow spells. However, this cannot be combined with the rotateable wall area, which is only supported in single-target mode. You can also limit the player to selecting targets within a particular range.
The special node sequence ends upon entering target mode. Once targeting is completed, a new special node sequence begins, starting from the node specified in JumpTo. If multiple targets were selected, this node sequence is repeated for each target. However, if you chose an area other than single space, the sequence is called only for the location clicked, not repeated for other locations within the covered area. If you want to affect these additional locations, you must calculate them yourself. Since there is currently no way to check which orientation of the rotateable wall was selected, there is not much point in using it unless you are using one of the Place Pattern nodes to produce the effect.
The two Place Pattern nodes (below) automatically affect all spaces within the covered area, and passing -1 as the pattern type means it uses the current pattern, which works correctly even for the rotateable wall.
- Extra 1a:
- The spell pattern to use. 0 - single space, 1 - 3x3 square, 2 - 2x2 square, 3 - 3x3 square excluding centre, 4 - circle radius 2, 5 - circle radius 3, 6 - 5 spaces in a cross, 7 - rotateable 2x8 wall
- Extra 1b:
- Maximum range (combat mode only)
- Extra 1c:
- Maximum number of targets (combat mode only)
- Extra 2a:
- A special node to call if the targeting fails because the player selected an invalid space, or because a special node on the space cancelled it.
- Extra 2b:
- Set this to 1 if you'd like the user to be able to select spaces that are opaque (like the spell Dispel Barrier). This only has an effect in combat mode, as town targeting places no such restriction.
- Extra 2c:
- Set this to 1 if you'd like the user to be able to target spaces that are covered by an antimagic field. In order to preserve the meaning of antimagic fields, it's recommended that you never use this unless the associated action is not intended to be magical. Set it to 0 to prevent the user from targeting spaces in an antimagic field. If left at -1, the default is used, which is to allow it in town mode but not in combat. (This is probably a relic of the extremely limited selection of spells that can be targeted in town mode.)
- JumpTo:
- This node is called once for every selected target. Note that this does not mean it is called once for every space affected – if you target 3 crosses, the node is called once for each cross.
- Type 201: Place Pattern (Fields/Objects)
- Places fields according to a preset
spell pattern relative to a specified space.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- Key space of the pattern (usually the centre space).
- Extra 1c:
- The spell pattern to use. -1 - use current pattern (only works when called through the Targeting Mode special node) 0 - single space, 1 - 3x3 square, 2 - 2x2 square, 3 - 3x3 square excluding centre, 4 - circle radius 2, 5 - circle radius 3, 6 - 5 spaces in a cross, 7-13 - rotateable 2x8 wall in various orientation
- Extra 2a
- The field type to place. Two special values are supported – 32 removes any fields on the space, while 33 transforms any terrains of the Crumbling type into their transform to terrain.
- Type 202: Place Pattern (Direct Damage)
- Deals damage according to a preset
spell pattern relative to a specified space.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b, Extra 1c:
- Same as above node.
- Extra 2a:
- The type of damage to deal
- The amount of damage to deal. This is the number of six-sided dice to roll to calculate the damage.
- If 0, it will animate each affected creature sequentially using simple booms, similar to what happens when fields are placed and creatures take damage as a result. If 1, all damage will be animated simultaneously using fully-animated explosions, similar to what happens when casting spells such as Fireball or Divine Thud.
- Type 203: Relocate Creature
- This node forces a single creature to relocate to
a different space. Useful for cutscenes. It can handle either absolute or relative
However, it usually does not check that it is legal for the creature to be on that
This can split the party into its individual members temporarily, similar to combat mode,
but they return to the party's original location once the node sequence ends.
However, if in combat mode, the PCs remain on the final location.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates or differentials.
- Extra 2a:
- The creature to relocate - 0-5 for party members, 100+x for a specific monster, -1 for the currently selected target.
- Extra 2b:
- If 0, Extra 1a and 1b are taken as absolute coordinates. If 1, they are added to the x and y coordinates, respectively. 2 or 3 means the x coordinate is instead subtracted, while 3 or 4 means the y coordinate is instead subtracted. Set to 5 to use absolute positioning but select a nearby space the monster can be on.
- Extra 2c:
- If positive, this specifies a delay in milliseconds after the creature is repositioned.
- Type 204: Place Label
- This node places a text label on the terrain screen, for
example to indicate someone speaking. The label lasts only until the screen is next
updated, but you can optionally specify a delay to ensure there is time to read it.
- Mess 1:
- The number of the message to display.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The X and Y coordinates of the location to place the message. If Extra 1b is left at -1, Extra 1a instead specifies the number of a creature at whose location the message should be placed (0-5 for party members, 6 for party location, 100+x for other creatures). If both are left at -1, the current targeted PC from the Select PC node is used.
- Extra 2a:
- If 1, the text is centred vertically on the space. If 0, it appears at the top of the space.
- Extra 2b:
- If positive, this specifies a delay in seconds after the label is placed.
Rectangle Specials
These nodes all do things to a rectangle of terrain that you select. Most of them work both in town and outdoors, but the first few only work in town. For these nodes, the values have slightly different meanings than before:
The default values of Extra 2a and Extra 2b are -1. If you want the effect to only apply to one space (and not a whole rectangle), leave Extra 2a and Extra 2b at -1. In this case, the node only affects the space specified by Extra 1a and Extra 1b.
- Type 210: Place Field/Object/Sfx
- Fills the rectangle with some sort of field,
barrier, object, or sfx. This only works in town.
- Stuff Done 1:
- The percentage chance that each space will be filled with the selected field type. (Range 0 ... 100) If you select 32 ("cleanse") as the field type, however, this has a different meaning - 0 means that fire and force barriers, barrels, crates, webs, and pushable stone blocks will be left alone, while 1 indicates they should be erased.
- Stuff Done 2:
- The type of field (1 - force, 2 - fire, 3 - antimagic, 4 - stink, 5 - ice, 6 - blades, 7 - sleep, 15 - quickfire), object (8 - pushable stone block, 10 - web, 11 - crate, 12 - barrel, 13 - fire barrier, 14 - force barrier, 24 - forcecage), or sfx (16 - sm blood, 17 - med blood, 18 - lg blood, 19 - sm slime, 20 - lg slime, 21 - ash, 22 - bones, 23 - stones) to place, or one of the special values (32 - cleanse, 33 - smash fragile walls like Move Mountains).
- Note:
- Fields are never placed on spaces that contain walls, or other impenetrable terrain.
- Note:
- Though you can place a forcecage around a creature using this, if you know which creature you want it's better to use Affect Status which allows you to control how long the forcecage will last (unless they manage to break it). If you want to free them from a forcecage, on the other hand, use this node with the special value 32 ("Cleanse").
- Type 211: Set Explored
- This node alters your map, marking spaces as having
been explored or not.
- Stuff Done 1:
- If 0, mark the area as unexplored; if 1, mark it as explored.
- Type 212: Move Items
- Moves all of the items in the rectangle to a specified
space. Items inside containers are not moved. This only works in town.
- Stuff Done 1, Stuff Done 2:
- The x and y coordinates of the space to move the items to.
- Mess 3:
- If 0, place items on the ground. If this is 1 and the target space has a container on it (including a movable container such as a barrel), the items are instead placed in the container. If the space somehow contains both a static terrain container and a crate or barrel, the items are placed in the crate or barrel.
- Pict Type:
- If 0, items in containers are not moved. If 1, even items in containers will be collected onto the target space.
- Type 213: Destroy Items
- Destroys all of the items in the rectangle. Be careful not to destroy something the party needs to finish the scenario. Only works in town.
- Type 214: Change Rectangle Terrain
- Changes the terrain in the rectangle to a
given terrain type.
- Stuff done 1:
- The number of the terrain type to change it to.
- Stuff Done 2:
- The percentage chance that each space will be changed. (Range 0 ... 100)
- Type 215: Swap Rectangle Terrain
- Changes the terrain in the rectangle from a
given terrain type to another, or back.
- Stuff done 1:
- The number of a terrain type. If the given space is of this type, change it to the type in Stuff done 2.
- Stuff done 2:
- The number of a terrain type. If the given space is of this type, change it to the type in Stuff done 1.
- Type 216: Transform Rectangle Terrain
- Every square of terrain in the rectangle given is changed to the terrain type given in its Transform To What field.
- Type 217: Lock Rectangle
- If the terrain in the rectangle has Special Type lockable, it becomes locked (i.e. is changed to its locked terrain type).
- Type 218: Unlock Rectangle
- If the terrain in the rectangle has Special Type unlockable (or unlockable and bashable), it becomes unlocked (i.e. is changed to its locked terrain type).
Outdoor Mode Specials
These special nodes only have an effect in outdoor mode. If called anywhere but outdoors, all of these nodes immediately jump to the Jump To special.
For all of these special types, unless the description specifically says it ends the special encounter, once done, each node calls the Jump To node.
- Type 225: Make Outdoor Wandering
- A group of wandering monsters appears (at one of the designated wandering monster sites).
- Type 226: Force Town Entry
- The party is immediately placed in the specified town at the specified location.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The town to enter.
- Extra 1b:
- You can specify a direction here to use one of the preset town entry points. If you do this, leave the location at (-1,-1).
- Extra 2a, Extra 2b:
- The location to place the party at in the town.
- Type 227: Place Outdoor Encounter
- Places a special outdoor wandering encounter
in a random open space near the party. This can be accompanied by one or two messages, if
you wish.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a:
- The number of the special outdoor wandering encounter to place. (Range 0 ... 3)
- Type 228: Outdoor Move Party
- Moves the party to another location. This can be
accompanied by one or two messages, if you wish.
- Mess1, Mess2:
- Standard usage.
- Extra 1a, Extra 1b:
- The x and y coordinates of the desired space.