Blades Scenario Editor Instructions

Copyright 1998, Spiderweb Software, Inc.

This document contains all the information you need to play use the Blades of Exile Scenario Editor and make new scenarios for Blades of Exile!

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Table of Contents

  1. About the Blades of Exile Scenario Editor
  2. Scenario Building: A Step By Step Guide
  3. Making and Editing Scenarios
  4. Editing the Outdoors
  5. Editing Towns
  6. Editing Terrain Types
  7. Editing Monster Types
  8. Editing Items
  9. Advanced Topics Introduction
  10. Special Encounters
  11. Dialogue
  12. Customizing Graphics
  13. Testing and Distributing Your Scenario


  1. Special Encounter Node Types
  2. Monster Ability Types
  3. Item Ability Types
  4. Starting Terrain Types
  5. Blades Sound Effects
  6. Text Messages
  7. Spell and Alchemy Lists
  8. Special Encounter Examples

Troubleshooting Tips

New player or having problems?

The Scenario Editor seems pretty tricky to use at first, but in the long run it's actually not that hard to use. However, you won't be able to use it at all without these documentation. To get started, be sure to use the chapter Scenario Building - A Step By Step Guide. It gives a very simple, detailed set of instructions for writing a simple scenario. Using this, you'll be designing in no time!

Scenario Design Contest!

Spiderweb Software is throwing a contest to see who can create the best scenario. This contest has $1000 cash and piles of products as prizes ... be sure to check it out! For more information, look on our web site ( or read the file CONTEST.TXT. {TODO: Spiderweb no longer throws the contests; update accordingly}

Technical support

If you are having trouble with the game, use the following resources to get help.

Spiderweb Software